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Saturday, 31 October 2009

Integrating your Silverlight Test Run Results into TeamCity

We’ve been using TeamCity with great success at our company to do continuous integration.  We have build configurations defined for building and deploying our On Key suite of software;  for running our suites of tests and also for generating our static code analysis metrics. 


One of the problems we faced was integrating the Silverlight UI test results generated using the Microsoft Silverlight Test Framework into TeamCity.  TeamCity comes with out-of-the-box support to automatically pick up and display the tests results generated by the NUnit and MSTest report formats.  However, the Microsoft Silverlight Test Framework works differently to NUnit and MSTest as it runs as a Silverlight application.  The same Silverlight security sandbox restrictions therefore also apply to the Silverlight Test Framework.  This makes it more difficult to get the test results out of the framework as the results are not written to a file like NUnit or MSTest.  Fortunately TeamCity allows you to integrate the test results of any framework by writing special ServiceMessage commands as part of your build output.  TeamCity will listen for these commands and interpret and display the information as part of your build results on the portal. 

A Solution That Works

So we initially solved the problem by automating the test run and screen scraping the results from the Silverlight Test run page.  From the screen scraped results we created TeamCity Service Messages and wrote these messages as part of our build output.  I got the screen scraping idea from this blog post by Jonas Follesoe.  This worked, but it was a clumsy solution at its best as parsing the html, looking for specific div’s to find out whether the tests failed or not was very error prone.  We also had no guarantee that the HTML format for the test report would stay the same between subsequent releases of the Silverlight Test Framework.  However, the real show stopper was that we ran into an issue with TeamCity when the tests failed.  The problem occurred because the test exception would contain invalid XML characters.  When TeamCity tried to run the failed tests, the XML RPC communication between the build agent and TeamCity server would fail due to the invalid characters in the XML stream.  This resulted in the build going into a loop as the TeamCity Server was not able to pick up any response from the Build Agent it was trying to run the build on.

A Solution That Rocks

Instead of trying to panelbeat the existing solution, I decided to investigate alternatives and started by using trusty Reflector to look at the source code of the Silverlight Test Framework.  I wanted to see whether there was not a more elegant way in which to report on the test results.  (Btw, you don’t need to use Reflector – you can download the source code of the Silverlight Test Framework as it is included as part of the Silverlight Toolkit).  Sure enough, I discovered that the framework already included the necessary extensibility points for plugging in your own reporting mechanism.   The LogProvider base class provides the core API for creating your own logger that the Silverlight Test Framework will then call into for you to process the test results.  There is also a TestReportService that seems like the mechanism to use to write the log output by exporting it via a service call.

So the idea was to implement my own TeamCityServiceMessageLogProvider that would write the Test results into ServiceMessages that TeamCity understands.  The implementation turned out to be quite straightforward (download from here).  The Logger opens up an IsolatedStorageFileStream and just writes the test results received to the stream.  You plug the logger into the Silverlight Test Framework by adding it as an additional LogProvider in your App startup:

private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)

   UnitTestSettings settings = UnitTestSystem.CreateDefaultSettings();
   settings.LogProviders.Add(new TeamCityServiceMessageLogProvider());

   RootVisual = UnitTestSystem.CreateTestPage(settings);
So this took care of getting the results in the right format, but I still had to figure out how to get the results out of the Silverlight Test Framework into TeamCity.

Some further reflectoring showed that these extensibility areas also seemed to already exist within the Silverlight Test Framework, but I was unable to get them wired up and working correctly.  So I resorted to implementing my own solution by using a WebClient to upload the streamed results onto our web server for reporting to TeamCity. The first thing I had to do was to hook into the Publishing event of the Test framework to allow my custom logger to upload the results.  For this I had to implement the ITestSettingsLogProvider interface that provides an Initialize method that will be invoked by the Silverlight Test Framework.  I then hooked into the Publishing event as follows:

public void Initialize(TestHarnessSettings settings)
  Settings = settings;
  UnitTestHarness testHarness = Settings.TestHarness as UnitTestHarness;
  if (testHarness != null)
    testHarness.Publishing += ((sender, e) => PostTestResults());
  Store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
  Stream = Store.CreateFile(LogFile);
  Writer = new StreamWriter(Stream);
In the PostTestResults method, I upload the results on to the server:
private void PostTestResults()
   WebClient client = new WebClient();
   client.OpenWriteCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                                    Stream input = e.UserState as Stream;
                                    Stream output = e.Result;

                                    byte[] buffer =  new byte[4096];
                                    int bytesRead = 0;
                                    input.Position = 0;
                                    while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                                        output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

   client.OpenWriteAsync(new Uri("http://localhost/OK52/UnitTest.aspx?Results=true", UriKind.Absolute), "POST", Stream);
Notice the use of the Results=true query string parameter.

On the server side, we have a UnitTest.aspx web page that we use as the start page for our Silverlight Tests.  A nice feature that I picked up from another excellent Jonas Follesoe post is that you can pass query string parameters onto the test page and use these as initialization parameters for your Silverlight application.  We use this to restrict the suite of tests being run by using the Tag feature of the Silverlight Test Framework -  i.e. http://localhost/OK52/UnitTest.aspx?Tag=Staff to only run the Staff tests.  We also use this to configure the user that is logging on to the system – i.e. http://localhost/OK52/UnitTest.aspx?Tag=Staff&User=Carel&Password=secret.  When reporting the test results, we post to the same UnitTest.aspx page but send through the Results=true query string parameter to indicate that we want to upload the test results onto the server.  The results are then written to a file on the server for further processing as illustrated below:

public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Results"]))
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Tag"]))
      Tests.InitParameters = "Tag=" + Request.QueryString["Tag"] + ",";
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["UserName"]))
      Tests.InitParameters += "UserName=" + Request.QueryString["UserName"] + ",";
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Password"]))
      Tests.InitParameters += "Password=" + Request.QueryString["Password"] + ",";
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["DB"]))
      Tests.InitParameters += "DB=" + Request.QueryString["DB"] + ",";
    StreamReader inStream = new StreamReader(Context.Request.InputStream);
    string filePath = Server.MapPath(@"~\Logs\SLTests.log");
    FileStream outstream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
    // Read from the input stream in 4K chunks and save to output stream
    const int bufferLen = 4096;
    char[] buffer = new char[bufferLen];
    int bytesRead = 0;
    while ((bytesRead = inStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLen)) > 0)
      outstream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buffer, 0, bytesRead), 0, bytesRead);
Once the file has been uploaded, it is a simple matter of echoing the test results back to the TeamCity server by writing it to the NUnit TestContext: 
public class RunOnKey5ClientIntegrationTests : BaseTest
  private const string OnKeyUri = "http://localhost:80/OK52/UnitTest.aspx";
  private const string LogPath = @"..\..\..\Pragma.OnKey5.Server\Logs\";
  private const string SilverlightTestsLog = "SLTests.log";
  public void RunSilverlightTests_UsingTeamCityServiceMessageLogger_ToShowResultsOnTeamCityPortal()
    // Clear the old results
    if (File.Exists(LogPath + SilverlightTestsLog))
      File.Delete(LogPath + SilverlightTestsLog);
    using (FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(LogPath, SilverlightTestsLog))
      // Navigate to the VDir hosting the tests
      ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo(new Uri(OnKeyUri));
      watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
      WaitForChangedResult result = watcher.WaitForChanged(WatcherChangeTypes.Created);
      if (!result.TimedOut)
          // Echo the TeamCity ServiceMessages so that the test results can be picked by the Portal
          string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(LogPath + SilverlightTestsLog, Encoding.UTF8);
          foreach (string line in lines)
You’ll notice that the whole test run is managed as a NUnit test fixture that is flagged with “UI” as a Category.  This allows me to use the nunit-console.exe to run the specific tests using the /include=UI command line parameter.  I use the FileSystemWatcher class to wait until the SLTests.log file has been published and them echo the results to TeamCity by writing it to the NUnit TestContext.


I hope you’ll find this information useful for publishing the results of your own Silverlight Test Runs during your automated builds.  Jeff Wilcox has mentioned that more of the build automation extensibility points of the Silverlight Test Framework will be made known in future releases.  Until such time this is one way of doing it.


  1. Ryan Truong - truonghuynhnhan@yahoo.com18 February 2011 at 13:36

    Hi Carel,
    Thanks so much for your great idea of integrating Silverlight test cases to TeamCity.
    I tried your code but couldn't compile since TestContext.Out.WriteLine() doesn't exist in current NUnit framework 2.5.9.
    Which version of NUnit you are using in this example?
    Thanks and regards,

  2. Hi Ryan

    I've actually changed the mechanism a bit in the sense that I'm now not using the TestContext.Out to write the results to TeamCity. Instead I've created custom MSBuild task that takes care of browsing to the URL and running the tests. When the task is finished, I read the contents of the test log using MSBuild and echo it to TeamCity using the MSBuild Message task directly from our build script. Hope this helps.

  3. Ryan Truong - truonghuynhnhan@yahoo.com21 February 2011 at 11:02

    Hi Carel,

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    I would really appreciate if you could give me an example on how to use MSBuild task to run the test and echo its results to TeamCity.

    Best regards,
